The business is focused on providing free study guides and resources for educators, specifically in the form of levelled duotangs of readers' theatre plays. These materials are designed to help students practice reading fluency and can be used with second through fourth grade students. The creator, Shelley, also encourages users to leave feedback for her generosity after downloading the free resources.
Primary Teaching ResourcesA blog about classroom tips, teaching ideas, and resources for elementary teachers.
Free study guide
The free study guide is a collection of levelled readers' theatre plays designed to practice reading fluency in second and third grade students. The plays can be used with or without the addition of technology like Garage Band for recording. To download this freebie, simply click on 'my purchases' and find it in your 'free downloads' tab.
Meet the Teacher - Primary Teaching ResourcesA blog about classroom tips, teaching ideas, and resources for elementary teachers.
Primary Teaching Resources Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay TeachersBrowse over 100 educational resources created by Primary Teaching Resources in the official Teachers Pay Teachers store.
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