St James' Pre-school is an independent pre-school for 2-5 year olds located in Beckenham, offering a safe and stimulating environment for children to learn and grow. The school emphasizes learning through play and has a dedicated team of qualified practitioners who support the children in their development. The school follows the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and offers a variety of engaging activities, including free play, adult-led focus activities, and snack time. St James' Pre-school also values communication and language skills, providing book corners and library access for the children.
Free entitlement-only sessions
Free play.
St James' Pre-school | An independent pre-school for 2-5 year oldsSt James' Pre-school provides a safe and stimulating educational environment for children throughout Park Langley, Beckenham and Bromley
St James' Pre-school | An independent pre-school for 2-5 year oldsSt James' Pre-school provides a safe and stimulating educational environment for children throughout Park Langley, Beckenham and Bromley
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