South Lancashire Bat Group | Registered Charity 110951920th April, 2024. The bat group is busy as ever with training workshops and finishing writing up previous projects, before the busy summer survey season starts and the numbers of grounded bats start
Free cake
A few of us even stopped of at Unicorn co-operative to celebrate its 18th birthday with some lovely food and even free cake.
About SLBG | South Lancashire Bat GroupWelcome to the South Lancashire Bat Group. Since 1987 the South Lancashire Bat Group (registered charity 1109519) in partnership with the
Contact us | South Lancashire Bat GroupIf you have found a grounded or injured bat then please read our Help! I've found a bat pag
HELP! I’ve found a bat | South Lancashire Bat GroupHere at South Lancashire bat group we have a network of carers which are ready and waiting to care for sick and injured bats... What shall I do if I find an injured/grounded bat?
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