ROAM is a children's outdoor play charity based in Birmingham, UK. Their mission is to facilitate free play in nature for children with minimal supervision and support others in doing so. They run various sessions for kids up to the age of 12, offering different levels of supervision. ROAM aims to promote the right to independent play and develop new models to broaden inclusion in their sessions.
free weekly sessions
ROAM’s mission is to facilitate children’s free play in nature with minimal supervision, to support others to do so, and to campaign for every child’s right to independent play.
About Us - ROAMWhy ROAM? There is a substantial body of evidence supporting the benefits of play, being outdoors in nature, and children learning through independence and self-directed decision making. For centuries, children experienced the freedom to roam in their local area from an early age; gradually going further and for longer. The ... Read more
Contact Us - ROAM
Privacy Policy - ROAM1. Introduction Please read this privacy notice carefully as it sets out how and why ROAM CIO (“ROAM”, “we”, “us”, “our”) uses your personal data when you access our website and/or services, as well as explaining certain legal rights that you have under data protection laws. ROAM is a Charitable ... Read more
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