Peterborough Custom Computers is a business specializing in custom-built gaming PCs, offering new and used options from £200 to £3000+. They provide quality refurbished PCs with guaranteed performance at affordable prices. The company offers various services including sales, repairs, upgrades, and custom builds. With 40 years of experience in building PCs, Peterborough Custom Computers ensures that their machines are set up and tested by experienced technicians for optimal performance and reliability.
warzone… the free game
WARZONE is a popular free game that requires powerful hardware to play at high frame rates. The PCs built by Peterborough Custom Computers range from £470 to £1500, offering various levels of performance for the game. To achieve 60 FPS, one can start with an i5 4590 CPU, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, and a GTX 970 GPU at a cost of £470. For higher frame rates, more expensive options include an i9 9900k CPU, 16 GB DDR4 RAM, and an RTX 3070 GPU, which costs around £1500.
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Terms and Conditions – Peterborough Custom ComputersI like to keep these as simple as possible for all parties. Deposits and payments can be Cash, Bank Transfer or PayPal – PayPal incurs fees equivalent to the fees they charge at the date of p…
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