Marna - Mayfield Community GroupMARNA raises money for much needed community projects in Mayfield, East Staffordshire -like upgrading the playground. The community group also put on events for children and older people.
Coffee Connect – Combatting Loneliness through free Coffee and Chat.Coffee Connect - combatting loneliness through free cake, coffee and chat.
About MarnaMARNA raises money for much needed community projects in Mayfield, East Staffordshire -like upgrading the playground. The community group also put on events for children and older people.
Marna - Mayfield Community GroupMARNA raises money for much needed community projects in Mayfield, East Staffordshire -like upgrading the playground. The community group also put on events for children and older people.
What We've Done and Who We've HelpedMARNA raises money for much needed community projects in Mayfield, East Staffordshire -like upgrading the playground. The community group also put on events for children and older people.
Privacy PolicyMARNA raises money for much needed community projects in Mayfield, East Staffordshire -like upgrading the playground. The community group also put on events for children and older people.
Coffee Connect - Combatting Loneliness through free Coffee and ChatCoffee Connect - combatting loneliness through free cake, coffee and chat.
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