Free entry to outdoor nursery and forest school
i really like the ballance of free play,circle time , group snack and activities.
Elves and Fairies Woodland Nursery - Outdoor Nursery and Forest SchoolAt The Elves and Fairies Woodland Nursery finding time to experience nature is of high priority. We are an Outdoor Nursery and Forest School, with a cosy indoor space that we use in extreme weather. We believe that the closer to nature the children are the happier they will be and the more they will learn. Free to explore natures riches, a childs’ senses are heightened, which enhances their creative and imaginative play.
Elves and Fairies Woodland Nursery - Outdoor Nursery and Forest SchoolAt The Elves and Fairies Woodland Nursery finding time to experience nature is of high priority. We are an Outdoor Nursery and Forest School, with a cosy indoor space that we use in extreme weather. We believe that the closer to nature the children are the happier they will be and the more they will learn. Free to explore natures riches, a childs’ senses are heightened, which enhances their creative and imaginative play.
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