icoffee is a sustainable coffee company that offers an innovative and eco-friendly solution to enjoy your favorite beverage. By using their EasyCup, users can save loyalty stamps, prepaid cards, and online orders in one place, reducing disposable cup waste and protecting the local environment. The app also allows users to participate in leaderboards, win prizes, and redeem free coffee. With various EasyCup designs available, icoffee aims to make enjoying coffee a fun, easy, and sustainable experience.
400 Free Coffee Redeemed
400 Free Coffee Redeemed: Enjoy a fun and easy coffee routine with the EasyCup app, where you can save loyalty stamps, prepaid cards, and online orders while reducing disposable cups and protecting the local environment. By using the app, participants have already saved 2820 disposable cups, filled 11 fewer landfill bins, and saved one tree. Join now and enjoy 400 free coffees redeemed!
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