Tamra Mercieca Freebie

Tamra Mercieca is a relationship and self-love therapist, author, and founder of Getting Naked. She helps individuals overcome depression, anxiety, and addiction by building a healthy relationship with themselves. Tamra offers a ten-session one-on-one program and runs courses at her school, Getting Naked, teaching people how to become their own healers. Her website features weekly inspirational blogs, playful products like the Jade Egg, books she has written, and other helpful resources.
Home - Tamra Mercieca
When I learned the art of self-love, the depression, anxiety and binge eating disappeared. Let me show you HOW in my ten-session program.

Freebie Description

FREE playshop

Tamra Mercieca, a relationship and self-love therapist, offers a FREE playshop to help deepen your self-love. Visit her website to sign up for this valuable resource.


Website About
About Me - Tamra Mercieca
When a person has self-love they are able to a happy, peaceful, abundant life. Let me share with you the art of self-love.
Website Contact
Contact - Tamra Mercieca

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