National Civic Council Freebie

The National Civic Council is an Australian organization that focuses on advocacy, news, consultancy, youth training, and research. They aim to shape public policy based on their five primacies: family, decentralization, human dignity, patriotism, and Judeo-Christian values. The council offers various programs such as the Ypat retreat for young people aged 18-30 and consulting services for companies. They also publish News Weekly, a longstanding publication that provides in-depth analysis on various issues.
National Civic Council – For a stronger Australia

Website Phone (03) 9816 0800
Country Australia

Freebie Description

each week. it’s up to you and it’s free.

The National Civic Council offers a free weekly article to those who sign up for their email list. The content focuses on comprehensive post-Covid19 economic policies, defending human life and the family, inherent human rights, and Australia as an independent, free nation.


Website About
About Us – National Civic Council
Website Contact
Contact – National Civic Council
Website Term
Terms and Conditions – National Civic Council

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