Mail Sh ark Freebie

MailShark is an email filtering service that provides anti-spam and anti-malware solutions to protect users from dangerous emails, malicious links, and potential cyber threats. The company offers various options such as SharkVault, SharkSpot, and MailShark Sign Up, catering to different needs of businesses and individuals. MailShark's primary goal is to ensure email safety and internet security by providing a comprehensive range of services.
Safeguarding Global Email - MailShark
Safeguarding Global Email by providing a Free Email Filter service for business. This includes Free Anti-Spam and Free Anti-Virus Email Filtering services.

Country Australia

Freebie Description

60 days free sign-up for a domain

MailShark offers a free 60-day sign-up for a domain. This service provides email filtering, anti-spam techniques, and protection against malicious emails and links.


Website About
About Us - MailShark
About us summarises the beginnings of the company, the in-house talent and why MailShark can be a trusted provider.
Website Contact
Contact - MailShark
MailShark Contact Us page listing public Email contact, Postal Address, Physical Address and allowing posting via public Contact form.
Website Help
FAQ - MailShark
Commonly asked FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) of MailShark with various answers covering various topics.
Website Term
MailShark Terms of Service - MailShark
MailShark Terms of Service detailing various aspects and how the service is provisioned to customers. Contains the MailShark Acceptable Usage Policy.
Website Login
PayPal Account Update Email Scam
A PayPal account update email scam attempt has been caught by MailShark spam filters attempting to steal your login data.

Soical Media

Freebie Info

Win Free Coffee Nespresso Scam - MailShark
A malicious win free coffee Nespresso scam has been caught by MailShark spam filters risking a malware infection on your computer.